Monday, July 7, 2008

Men Amongst Men: Top Ten Badasses On Film

Everyday people come up to me and ask "Allan, you're so unbelievably intimidating and irresistible to women, how can I be more like you?" The answer is you can't. But I'm here from downtown, I'm here on a mission of mercy, and by studying these ten shining examples of masculinity, you'll be one step closer.

10. John Bender - The Breakfast Club

9. Richie - Over The Edge

8. Ordell Robbie - Jackie Brown

7. John McClane - Die Hard

6. Frank T.J. Mackey - Magnolia

5. Travis Bickle - Taxi Driver

4. Harry Callahan - Dirty Harry

3. Bud White - L.A. Confidential

2. Francis Begbie - Trainspotting

1. Blake - Glengarry Glen Ross

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